Saturday, October 07, 2006

I-14 UN ... a global facade for corruption

The UN was founded in 1945, after the end of World War II, replacing the League of Nations that had been operating since 1919. The (UN) United Nations was intended to be an international organization whose aims were to facilitate co-operation in international law, international security, economic development, and social equity. It was to prevent and intervene in conflicts between nations and make future wars impossible or limited.

It was originally formed by the five victorious countries of WWII: the United Kingdom, France, Russia (which replaced the Soviet Union), the United States and the People's Republic of China (which replaced the Republic of China). These original five members made sure that they had special rank, privilege and veto power over the other 51 countries that later signed the UN Charter. This privileged group of five, became known as the permanent members of the UN Security Council and have basically run the UN as they see fit.

The organization's structure has basically remained unchanged since it was founded. And as of 2006, there are 192 member states, and while they are "members" they have little or no power as the UN is run at the discursion of the 5 member security council. And as the USA is (at present) the major global power, the UN either abides by or turns a blind eye to the wishes and actions of the US and its allies. Any verbal protest from the UN is only that, a "verbal" protest and a bark from a toothless tethered dog in a false show of bravado and power.



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